Saturday, December 8, 2007

On the brink or 32

So wow here we are in December already. It's weird to think that a year ago my friend Amy and I were tossing around the idea of our own daycare, and today as I write this I'm sitting in the office of that very daycare! It's so mindblowing to me that we hit our 6 month mark and we are turning down kids already!! I never imagined it would take off and do as well as it is!!!! I do regret that my family doesn't seem as into my goals as I would hope but then they've never been the most supportive bunch. I don't know what I'll have to do to get some sense of pride from them. I've had the wonderful opportunity though to meet some great people along this road and I wouldn't trade them for anything!! I do soemtimes feel that in all this I've let some people fall by the wayside, and I totally did not mean for that to happen. I promised myself that when I can I am going to make it up to those people. I was so used to being in one rut or another that I had all the time in the world to give to everyone else who needed it, but now I'm doing something for the betterment of me and all the people that matter in my life are going to have to deal for now. It's not often I do something for me, and heavens knows I don't get the kind of help I'd like to get so I'm learning to depend on myself more and not worry about anyone else. That's what they do when I need someone, so I might as well do the same. So here's to the first blog from Angie!
